StoreRefresh Reimagining retail with circular lighting

Refresh your store with minimum cost

Refresh your store with minimum cost

One reason shoppers prefer buying in physical stores is because they want to touch and feel the merchandise. When it comes to millennials, 82% of them will go to the stores as long as the store is interactive and current. To remain on the cutting edge, it is important to refresh parts of your store on a regular basis with meaningful, low-impact changes - with a focus on minimizing disruption and keeping costs low.

Instead of a full refurbishment every 7 - 10 years, we have developed a circular infrastructure that is flexible enough to allow for different configurations and settings in a store. With Philips Circular lighting, you can quickly give your store a refresh and easily create different store experiences by using our Circular Economy-ready luminaires.

Benefits include flexibility and sustainability

Benefits include flexibility and sustainability

Up to date

Ensure that your store is aligned with your brand promise, marketing strategy and trends. Create engaging, inspiring and flexible areas that can be easily updatede for a variety of activities, such as seasonal events or promotions.

Remain attractive

Keep your store interesting for both existing and new customers by refreshing parts of your store concept on a regular basis. No need to rely on the lifecycle of the lighting project to determine change.

Reduce cost

Make smaller incremental changes to the concept and adapt the lighting using our circular infrastructure. Upgrading and reusing parts of the lighting solution enable you to make the most effective changes while minimizing costs and disruption to the store.

Optimize your resources

We give retailers the flexibility to adapt the lighting quickly to align with store concept changes while optimizing the full potential lifetime of the lighting installation.

Maximize the resource efficiency with circular lighting

Maximize the resource efficiency with circular lighting

We understand that you want to maximize the sustainability of your store by creating flexible retail spaces that allow for easy and quick updates with minimal cost. We have developed a wide range of Circular Economy Ready luminaires to support your corporate sustainability goals. Our Circular Economy Ready luminaires are certified with an Enironmental Product Declaration (EPD). This document provides a comprehensive description on the environmental performance of the Circular Economy Ready luminaire, and the assesments are validated by a third party sustainability consultancy.

Service tag: Making LED maintenance easier and faster

Since LED luminaires require different processes serviceability is always on our mind when designing new products. Service tag is a QR-based identification system that makes each luminaire uniquely identifiable and provides maintenance, installation and spare part information. By scanning the QR codes on all next generation luminaires, which can also be used in North America, poles and packaging, you have easy access to product configuration information, enabling you to save valuable time and prevent errors.

Find out more about our Enviromental Product Declarations (EPD)

Explore our lighting systems


En magasin, l'éclairage est partout. Pourquoi ne pas s'en servir pour travailler plus efficacement, améliorer l'expérience en magasin et générer des données pour effectuer des analyses de vente poussées ? Avec le logiciel Interact et notre éclairage LED connecté, c'est possible. Créez des espaces de vente modulables et attractifs, utilisez le zonage et variez l'intensité lumineuse pour déclencher certains comportements et proposez des offres géolocalisées qui s'affichent dans l'application pour smartphone. Le commerce intelligent, tout simplement.

Case studies

Aéroport de Schiphol

L’aéroport de Schiphol opte pour l’éclairage circulaire.

Want to know more?

Reach out to our local contact center for questions and inquiries.