PremiumColor: The best light for Fruits and vegetables

PremiumColor: The best light for Fruits and vegetables

man picking fresh vegetables at store

Making fresh produce healthier, look better, taste better and last longer

The fresh food department is where shopper loyalty is forged, and therefore often the main motivator for a trip to the store.

Fruits and vegetables present specific challenges where loss and waste are concerned. Because they are living tissues, fresh fruits and vegetables are subject to continuous change and deterioration. We’ve carried out comprehensive experiments on fresh fruits and vegetables to find out what light is best for both presentation and preserving quality.

brocolli woman

The importance of vitamin C in a healthy diet

Lighting has a particularly important role in the production of vitamin C in fruit & vegetables. Vitamin C is essential for the proper functioning of the human body.  However, the human body is not able to make (or store) vitamin C It is therefore important to include plenty of vitamin C-containing foods in a daily diet.

Fruit & vegetables are considered the most important source of vitamin C for humans. Consequently, it would be a health benefit if the vitamin C levels of the fresh fruit & vegetables available in supermarkets today could be as high as possible. This is where lighting can play a key role.


Experimentally proven

With LED light, growers can:

  • Influence the coloration and taste of leafy green vegetables
  • Increase vitamin C in tomatoes
  • Reduce nitrate levels in lettuce, spinach, and arugula
retailer supermarket

With LED light, retailers can:

  • Enhance the presentation of fruits and vegetables
  • Extend shelf life, reducing waste and increasing revenue
  • Maintain the quality and safety of potatoes
  • Sustain the vitamin C level in broccoli

Experience PremiumColor: the fresh food LED recipe for fruit & vegetables

collage produits frais

Optimisation de la présentation des produits frais

Nous avons commandé des études, collecté des recherches et travaillé intensivement avec les commerçants pour développer des recommandations sur la meilleure façon d'éclairer les produits frais. Avec le bon éclairage, vous pouvez exposer des produits frais pour mettre en valeur les couleurs préférées des clients, optimiser la qualité des herbes et de la laitue et prolonger la durée de conservation des pommes de terre. 

Téléchargez le livre blanc (ANG)complet pour connaître les détails des tests que nous avons effectués et pour obtenir nos recommandations sur les recettes LED spécifiques à utiliser dans différentes circonstances.


Reach out to our local contact center for questions and inquiries.
