L’éclairage optimal pour la viande

Fresh food department relevant

Why is the fresh food department relevant?

Because fresh is the growth engine of stores. Whether it is meat or cheese, fruit and vegetables, fish and seafood, fresh continues to draws shoppers into physical stores. The fresher the food looks, the more attention it gains.
The correct lighting brings out the colors and textures of fresh food, enticing customers to stop and buy. Furthermore, lighting enhances the overall store experience and has a positive effect on sales of fresh produce.

Des viandes en tranches hautes en couleur

L’éclairage optimal pour la viande

Les recherches montrent que les clients préfèrent acheter des viandes aux couleurs saturées. Le problème, c'est qu'une viande soumise à un éclairage plus puissant se décolore et perd de son attrait plus rapidement. Nos luminaires LED Rose pour produits frais ont été spécialement développés en collaboration avec des commerçants et des spécialistes de la viande pour intensifier la rougeur de la viande et freiner sa décoloration. Résultat : davantage de ventes et moins de déchets.

Experience Rose: the fresh food LED recipe for sliced meat

Our Research:

Firstly, different meats discolor at different rates. Secondly, the effect of light level on the discoloration of sliced meat is greater than that of spectrum.

However, there are benefits to choosing the right spectrum of light. By using the proper spectrum, retailers can either delay discoloration for a longer shelf life or use higher light levels for more eye-catching displays. In the first case, shelf life can be extended by up to 20% at illuminance levels equivalent to conventional lighting. In the latter, retailers can apply light levels up to 30% higher to achieve a shelf life that is the same as with conventional lighting.

Rose light research for Meat solution

Create an impactful atmosphere (while also reducing waste)

Struggling to find a balance between offering a wide variety of fresh foods while also minimizing waste? While also creating an inspiring shopping experience? The right lighting can make a big impact on the success of your fresh food department. Fresh food accent lighting is the perfect recipe for delicious presentation while extending the shelf life of your fresh produce.


Reach out to our local contact center for questions and inquiries.


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